
Created various animated capsules for Cheerio’s 4 flavored cereals: Honey, Apple & Cinammon, 4 Grains and Oatmeal. Beautiful renders of pouring shots of the bowl combined with BEE, Cheerios’ mascot and some hot moves from Hoops (the new mascot) dancing away with some TikTok moves for a healthy and active lifestyle.


Client: Nestlé
Agency: Gelattina

Directors: Samantha Castellanos, Alex Kahan
Producers: Samantha Casetllanos, Carlos Villagomez
Animation Director: Daniel Farah

3D Animation: Daniel Cabrera, Benjamín Reyes, Salvador Trujillo, Andy Castillo
Modelers & Textures: Juan Manuel Arias, Andrés Castillo, Daniel Cabrera, Salvador Trujillo
Rigger: Alejandro Islas
Lighting & Render: Andrés Castillo
Motion Graphics & Composite: Daniel Farah
Audio: Bulldog Studio